Saturday, September 15, 2007


so i said goodbye to another friend seems to be what i do...i go to going away parties. i am thrilled and inspired by the fact that the majority of my friends are on the go, moving, exploring, being true to the adventurer inside themselves. and on the flip side of the coin i often find myself envious of my friends with babies and husbands and cute little houses. i really want a cute little house. or do i want to move to new mexico and live out of my tent for awhile? it's so interesting to be 27 years old and walking this line of uncertainty. well, i'm not sure i'd call it that, the word uncertainty has a lot of negativity behind it, and i by no means feel that my situation is a negative one. having direction is overrated. you can't control the direction of the wind, but you can adjust your sails.

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