Monday, September 17, 2007

forever fall

the light has changed. the air is crisp. i have to wear gloves when i bike to work. why does fall come at you out of nowhere? what to say about fall? i love it. the smells, the colors, sweaters, my cute hat with a pom-pom on top, the rustling of leaves...the urgency. the peace. throughout my life it seems that the most vivid memories i have always take place in the fall. my cabin in the fall. the porcupine mountains in the fall. the loss of life in the fall. births in the fall. like a slap in the face fall has woke me from my numb slumber. the north shore of lake superior is possibly the best place to experience this minutes you can climb any number of vistas and be blown away by and endless sea of golds, rusts, reds and yellows and lake superior, in contrast, will never look so it does in autumn.

1 comment:

About Molly... said...

april, this post made me feel like i was there with you riding my bike alongside yours on the lake walk. oooooh how i will experience fall vicariously through you... all my love, dear.