Wednesday, January 30, 2008

on attending my first birth...

it was a long night. all i can say is that it was incredible and life changing.

Friday, January 25, 2008


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maybe today i'll make an effort to discuss theories and ideas instead of people. maybe today i'll realize that the core of who i am shall remain the same no matter where i find myself or who surrounds me. today perhaps i'll open my eyes a little wider and see all the opportunities i have to change this community, this state, this country, this world. today i just might smile at everyone and everything. i should meditate today, i should pause. i should make every effort today and every day to align the way i'm actually living my life with the way i imagine my life should be. i should make a new friend today and another tomorrow. today i should floss my teeth. today i should probably do something that scares me, that's outside my zone of comfort...i hear that can do wonders for a person. today i'm thankful that i can see Lake Superior out my window. today i will be me, just a slightly improved version.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

domesticated pets

i'm alone for the weekend and it's -22 degrees and i have every intention of doing whatever i please for the next 48 hours. as long as whatever i please doesn't require leaving the house, because i just brought the dog out and i could instantly feel the snot freeze in my nose ( a feeling i'm actually rather fond of) and my left eye kind of started watering and subsequently froze shut. the frozen left eye did a job on my depth perception and as i leaned over to pick up dog crap (i know...glamorous! and i get to do it at least 3 times a day!) i lost my balance and fell forward and planted my fist in...a pile of dog feces. god bless minnesota and domesticated pets.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

most of the time

sometimes i believe i've found contentment in the life i'm living.

sometimes it feels too easy.

sometimes i wonder why i feel like things have to be hard to be real or worth it.

sometimes I KNOW the above statement is true.

sometimes i feel overwhelmed by all that i feel in my heart, all the thoughts that race through my mind.

sometimes i wish i could free myself from those thoughts and feelings.

most of the time i'm glad they're there.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

you know you're a minnesotan when...

your criteria for whether or not you walk the two miles to work is: is it above 10 degrees?

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

i'm baaaaaaack

wow, i've been a bad little blogger. from this point on i will post more frequently, i'll make you that promise...but keep in mind, that could very well mean me telling you some really boring crap. what's new? let's see...i chopped off all my bleach blond hair, i now have light brown hair, my natural color that i haven't seen for nearly six years. chris and i are contemplating moving to a farm in wisconsin on the south shore of lake superior. i'm attending my first home birth this month on my way to becoming a doula. i'm really enjoying cross-country skiing. i drink a ridiculous amount of kombucha. i learned to knit, and have been knitting these really cool neck warmer/gator thingy's. well, i think that covers it.
good day.