Friday, January 25, 2008


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maybe today i'll make an effort to discuss theories and ideas instead of people. maybe today i'll realize that the core of who i am shall remain the same no matter where i find myself or who surrounds me. today perhaps i'll open my eyes a little wider and see all the opportunities i have to change this community, this state, this country, this world. today i just might smile at everyone and everything. i should meditate today, i should pause. i should make every effort today and every day to align the way i'm actually living my life with the way i imagine my life should be. i should make a new friend today and another tomorrow. today i should floss my teeth. today i should probably do something that scares me, that's outside my zone of comfort...i hear that can do wonders for a person. today i'm thankful that i can see Lake Superior out my window. today i will be me, just a slightly improved version.

1 comment:

Anne said...

april, whenever i read your posts i don't feel so alone. i appreciate your honesty and feel comfort in that we all just want to do better and be better.