Tuesday, September 4, 2007

rage against the morn

i'm in a rush and my nose is running and i'm wondering why i chose now, this fleeting moment, to start writing this blog. most likely, i'll get carried away, and in 45min. when chris returns i won't be ready, and i won't have made our nutritious lunches like i promised. and we'll ride to work in his bumpy ride listening to rage against the machine, and i'll be wondering why anyone would want to listen to such loud music before 8am. i'll be very quiet, which isn't really in my character, but then again i don't have character before 8am. chris will wonder why i'm mad, and i'll assure him that i'm not, then perhaps he'll reach over and hold my hand for a few sweet fleeting moments before it's beckoned away to the tape deck to fast forward to the next loud proud political propaganda.

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