Tuesday, February 5, 2008

and that means i've almost made it

i'm proud of myself. this is the first winter since i've moved back to minnesota (3years) that i haven't fallen into a dark lonely winter slump. the past few winters have been rough...being lazy, not getting outdoors enough, watching way too much t.v., eating ridiculous amounts of comfort food, falling out of sorts in my social life, too much beer, feeling depressed etc, etc. i don't know what it is about this winter, but i feel really great. i've been very active and my mood has been great. perhaps i'm getting used to the 6 months of winter us duluthians have to live through, maybe i'm better prepared to not fall into bad habits. this morning i came to the realization that it's already february...and in a month it will be march and march means spring and that means i've almost made it and i still resemble the april i want to be...and that is a huge accomplishment for me.

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