Wednesday, November 7, 2007

recognize this

i'm not a big fan of western medicine. i was just poked, prodded, squeezed, knocked, interrogated, poked again....and then charged for it...all to tell me i'm completely healthy...which i knew already. i wish we could trust our bodies to tell us when something was wrong. as a society it seems like we're really disconnected from our physical self. scared into believing we need invasive medical exams even when we feel wonderful. i realize that this is easy for me to say... i am healthy. and trust me, i take great comfort knowing that if i were to become ill or injured, i would have top notch medical staff to take care of me. but as far as preventative medicine's so odd to me, and cold. here is this "CARE"giver rattling of questions from a clipboard and barely looking me in the eye. i'm so excited to become a doula...have i mentioned i'm going to become a doula? i am. and i'm excited to care for women and their children. CARE for them. care. i'm excited to be part of a birthing process that doesn't involve fluorescent lights and a cold sterile environment. our bodies are amazing. i wish we could all recognize this.


Meghan Jane said...

yes yes yes this makes meg happy -- if i ever grow up i'll have you as mine!

amanda jane said...

hey april...somehow found you, you posted on my blog. do i know you? anyway, right on! our babe was born at home...our midwife arrived only 23 minutes before he was was incredible to bring life into the world by MYSELF and on my own terms! clearly we need a birth revolution in this country! have you seen the film, "the business of being born"? if not, you should. peace on your journey.